C++ Member Functions or Methods, Method vs Function

When working with C++, member functions play a crucial role in encapsulating behavior within classes. These functions are often referred to as methods.

While the terms “method” and “function” are used interchangeably in many programming languages, there is a subtle difference between them in C++. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of member functions and delve into the distinction between methods and functions in C++, providing examples along the way.

C++ Member Functions: In C++, member functions are functions that are declared and defined within a class. They have access to the class’s data members and can manipulate them as necessary. Member functions provide a way to encapsulate behavior related to a particular class, allowing objects to interact with each other and perform operations unique to that class.

Let’s consider a simple class called Rectangle, which represents a rectangle shape. We’ll define some member functions to illustrate their usage:

class Rectangle {
    int width;
    int height;

    void setDimensions(int w, int h) {
        width = w;
        height = h;

    int calculateArea() {
        return width * height;

    bool isSquare() {
        return width == height;

In the Rectangle class, we have three member functions: setDimensions, calculateArea, and isSquare. These functions are defined within the class and operate on the data members width and height.

  1. The setDimensions method takes two arguments, w and h, and assigns them to the respective data members of the object.
  2. The calculateArea method computes and returns the area of the rectangle by multiplying its width and height.
  3. The isSquare method checks if the rectangle is a square by comparing its width and height and returns a Boolean value accordingly.

Now that we have a basic understanding of member functions, let’s explore the difference between methods and functions in C++.

Methods vs. Functions

In C++, the term “function” typically refers to a standalone function declared outside of any class, while the term “method” refers specifically to member functions within a class. The key distinction lies in the context and usage of these functions.

Functions are designed to perform generic operations, which can be invoked independently. They may or may not have access to specific data members of a class, depending on how they are defined. In contrast, methods are closely associated with a particular class and operate on its internal data, providing functionality specific to that class.

For example, let’s consider a function called calculateSquare that calculates the square of a number:

int calculateSquare(int num) {
    return num * num;

In this case, calculateSquare is a standalone function that can be used anywhere in the program. It doesn’t have access to any class’s internal data.

Here’s a table summarizing the main differences between methods and functions in C++:

Defined within a classCan be standalone or defined within a class
Operates on class’s data membersMay or may not have access to class’s data members
Invoked on objects of the classInvoked directly or through function calls
Provides behavior specific to the classProvides generic behavior
Encapsulates functionality within a classCan be used across multiple classes
Typically used for object-oriented programmingUsed for general-purpose programming
Part of the class’s interfacePart of the program’s functionality
Can be virtual or pure virtualCannot be virtual or pure virtual


In C++, member functions are essential for encapsulating behavior within classes. They enable objects to interact with each other and perform operations specific to the class. Although the terms “method” and “function” are often used interchangeably in other languages, in C++, “function” typically refers to standalone functions, while “method” specifically denotes member functions within a class.

Understanding the distinction between methods and functions in C++ is crucial for writing clean, modular code and maintaining good object-oriented design practices.

Remember, functions are versatile and can be used independently, while methods are closely tied to a class and provide functionality specific to it.

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